Dear Sir, I need your help to set a if flag to a SQL Server Delete query. Here the query:- set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER Procedure [dbo].[Delete_New_invPurchase]( @as_ID bigint, @upduserid nvarchar(20), @modidate datetime, @as_preDeliveryStatus bit ) AS ...
在SQL中,我可以使用 In 操作符: FROM genericTable AND rangeKey IN ("bar1", "bar11", "bar5") 查询可以使用KeyConditionExpression检索..。几个具有相同分区键值但具有不同 浏览0提问于2017-02-28得票数 4 回答已采纳 3回答 SQL Where子句返回多个结果 、、、 我有一个在WHERE子句中有多个条件的SQL语...
| 2 | DERIVED | t_im_msg | ref | idx_chatfrom,idx_msg_date,idx_chatto | idx_chatfrom | 8 | const | 28 | Using index condition; Using where | | 3 | UNION | t_im_msg | ref | idx_chatfrom,idx_msg_date,idx_chatto | idx_chatto | 8 | const | 20 | Using index conditi...
我编写了一个由多个连接和sum(if())条件组成的查询。我正在使用mysql数据库。查询结构看起来是这样的:*来自多个表的查询连接(准确地说是7个)和sum(if())条件表示我们总共53个状态。*执行查询几乎需要20分钟,这是一个非常长的周期。如果有人能建议我如何减少这么多的时间。 SELECT ag.position_id AS 'position...
IF(condition, value1, value2)Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) Where, ‘condition’ is the value/condition to be tested, ‘value1’ is the value that should be returned if ‘condition’ is true and, ‘value2’ is the value that should be returned if ‘condition’ is ...
IF语句用于根据指定条件执行不同的 SQL 代码块。其基本语法如下: IFconditionBEGIN-- 代码块1ENDELSEBEGIN-- 代码块2END 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 这里,condition是一个布尔表达式。如果condition为真,则执行第一个代码块,否则执行第二个代码块。
我们可以使用以下流程图了解SQL IF语句。 The condition in SQL IF Statement should return a Boolean value to evaluate SQL IF语句中的条件应返回一个布尔值以求值 We can specify a Select statement as well in a Boolean expression, but it should enclose in parentheses 我们也可以在布尔表达式中指定Select...
Q #2) How to use if condition in insert query in MySQL? Answer:IF function cannot be used directly to do conditional insert, however, to achieve a similar effect, you can use WHERE clause while using INSERT with MySQL to perform a conditional INSERT. ...
SQL - if condition in column field Question Wednesday, May 15, 2013 4:37 AM hi I have a select statment which selects a column called "IsApproved" were it's values either 1 or 0, I want to check if 0 output 'Rejected' and if 1 output 'Approved' ... I'm using sql server 2008...
Unless a statement block is used, the IF or ELSE condition can affect the performance of only one Transact-SQL statement. To define a statement block, use the control-of-flow keywords BEGIN and END. Remarks An IF...ELSE construct can be used in batches, in stored procedures, and in ad...