If-statement-Bash-Script-Example if-else Statement 除了普通的 if 语句之外,我们还可以用 else 块扩展 if 语句。基本思想是,如果语句为真,则执行 if 块。如果语句为假,则执行 else 块。 Syntax : if [ condition_command ] then command1 command2 …….. last_command else command1 command2 …….. ...
Shell 支持任意数目的分支,当分支比较多时,可以使用 if elif else 结构,它的格式为:ifcondition1the...
1.1 if格式 if condition; then commands; fi 1.2 else if 和 else if condition; then...
A: In shell scripts, “if-else” statements are used to regulate the flow of execution based on particular conditions. This structure lets you take different actions or run alternative code blocks depending on whether a condition is true or false. ...
shell脚本(8)-流程控制if 一、单if语法 1、语法格式: if[ condition ] #condition值为 then commands fi 1. 2. 3. 4. 2、举例: [root@localhost test20210725]# vim document.sh #!/usr/bin/bash #假如没有/tmp/abc这个文件夹,就创建一个if[ ! -d /tmp/abc ]...
an exit status of 1 indicates that the condition evaluated as false. In the first form of the utility shown using the SYNOPSIS: test [ condition ] the square brackets denote that condition is an optional operand and are not to be entered on the command line. ...
[shell script] if condition and Usage 我们先来看一段shell脚本, [ $# -lt2] &&{echo"Usage: $0 target store_dir">&2exit2} 这段代码真的很精简,专业而成熟; 其中包含的知识点有if条件,&&技巧,{}的块语块作用,重定向;
shell if fi的意思 shell脚本中的if-fi结构是条件语句,用于根据条件来执行不同的代码块。if-fi结构的意思是,如果满足某个条件,则执行某些特定的操作,否则执行其他操作。在shell脚本中,if-fi结构通常如下所示: shell. if [ condition ] then. # 在这里执行条件成立时的操作。 else. # 在这里执行条件不成立时...
Using else if statement in bash You can use an elif (else-if) statement whenever you want to test more than one expression (condition) at the same time. For example, the followingage.shbash script takes your age as an argument and will output a meaningful message that corresponds to your...
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