[expressionforxinX[ifcondition]foryinY[ifcondition]...forninN[ifcondition]] 1. 2. 3. 4. 例如,下面的代码输出了0~4之间的偶数和奇数的组合。 >>>[(x,y)forxinrange(5)ifx%2==0foryinrange(5)ify%2==1][(0,1),(0,3),(2,1),(2,3),(4,1),(4,3)] 1. 2. 等价于下面的一般for...
[ expression for x in X [if condition] for y in Y [if condition] ... for n in N [if condition] ] 例如,下面的代码输出了0~4之间的偶数和奇数的组合。 >>> [(x, y) for x in range(5) if x % 2 == 0 for y in range(5) if y % 2 == 1] [(0, 1), (0, 3), (2,...
ifcondition:# 如果条件成立,则执行这里的代码块 1. 2. 在if语句中,condition是一个表达式,如果condition的值为True,则执行代码块中的代码。如果condition的值为False,则直接跳过代码块,执行后面的代码。 判断等于多个值匹配时的情况 有时候我们需要判断一个变量是否等于多个值中的任意一个,这时可以使用Python的in关...
在Python中,条件判断语句(if else)用于根据特定条件执行不同的代码块。它的一般语法如下:if condition: # 执行语句块1 else: # 执行语句块2其中,condition是一个布尔表达式,如果它的值为True,则执行语句块1,否则执行语句块2。下面是一个简单的例子,演示如何使用条件判断语句:x...
Python MultilineifCondition: Backslash at the End of Each Line Using a backslash (\) at the end of each line is a method to visually break a long line of code into multiple lines, making it more readable. This is particularly useful when dealing with complex conditions inifstatements. ...
if statement table If, if a condition is met, the following code is executed. The format is "if condition:". It should be noted that the code executed after meeting the conditions is the indented code under the if statement, and the code without indented is not in the if statement ...
if condition1: # 第一个条件为真时执行的操作 elif condition2: # 第二个条件为真时执行的操作 elif condition3: # 第三个条件为真时执行的操作 else: # 上述条件都不为真时执行的操作 示例: x = 20 if x > 50: print("x is greater than 50") elif x > 30: print("x is greater than 30...
After a clear explanation of all code snippets showing how the if-not conditional statement works in Python, we conclude that the if-not statement always negates the output of the if statement. Based on the condition assigned, it will either return the "if not" part or the "else" part ...
在Python中,if语句的基本语法是:if condition:statement(s)如果条件condition为真,则执行if语句后面缩进的语句块。例如:if x <0:pass 如果x小于0,则执行空语句pass。2、多重条件 if语句可以与elif和else语句一起使用,实现多重条件判断。例如:if x<0:print('x是负数')elif x==0:print('x是零')else...