Pipeline with IF-Condition activity (Adfv2QuickStartPipeline.json) JSON {"name":"Adfv2QuickStartPipeline","properties": {"activities": [ {"name":"MyIfCondition","type":"IfCondition","typeProperties": {"expression": {"value":"@bool(pipeline().parameters.routeSelection)","type":"Expression"...
If Conditionactivity is similar to SSIS's Conditional Split control, describedhere. It allows directing of a pipeline's execution one way or another, based on some internal or external condition. Unlike simple activities we have considered so far, theIf Conditionactivity is a compound activity, i...
To reproduce it use this Pipeline: prettyprint { "name": "Child", "properties": { "activities": [ { "name": "If Condition1", "type": "IfCondition", "dependsOn": [], "userProperties": [], "typeProperties": { "expression": { ...
For IF Else functionality - Assuming only level 1 and there is no nesting, you can add activities inside If true Activities / If False Activities, that is inside Activities tab when you click on If Condition Activity. "Do the If activities not move on if the Inner Activities are completed...
Ask #2 : Also in pipelines with If condition activity, the stored procedure cannot read from a variable anymore, parameterizing it when Sinking in Copy Activity. This happens while debugging the pipeline not sure what will happen if published. ...
管道与 IF-Condition 活动 (Adfv2QuickStartPipeline.json)JSON 复制 { "name": "Adfv2QuickStartPipeline", "properties": { "activities": [ { "name": "MyIfCondition", "type": "IfCondition", "typeProperties": { "expression": { "value": "@bool(pipeline().parameters.routeSelection)", "...
Create a data factory in UI Create Data Factory Programmatically Author Connectors Move data Transform data Control flow Append Variable activity Execute Pipeline activity Fail activity Filter activity For Each activity Get Metadata activity If Condition activity ...
{ "name": "Adfv2QuickStartPipeline", "properties": { "activities": [ { "name": "MyIfCondition", "type": "IfCondition", "typeProperties": { "expression": { "value": "@bool(pipeline().parameters.routeSelection)", "type": "Expression" }, "ifTrueActivities": [ { "name": "CopyFro...