ifformulaexcelhelp Replies: 1 Forum:Excel Questions L IF Formula to change Cell Colour Hi, I need help with an IF Formula J1 is the cell i need to change colour to green if Cell I1 is £0, i need it to be red if the cell I1 is more than £0 What is the Formula i need...
In all of the previous examples, an Excel IF statement returned values. But it can also perform a certain calculation or execute another formula when a specific condition is met or not met. For this, embed another function or arithmetic expression in thevalue_if_trueand/orvalue_if_falseargume...
Let’s write an IF OR formula for this in Excel 2016. Implementation of IF with OR Generic Formula=IF(OR(condition1, condition2,...),value if true, value if false)Example Let's consider the example we discussed in the beginning. We have this table of apple’s colour and type. If ...
In all of the previous examples, an Excel IF statement returned values. But it can also perform a certain calculation or execute another formula when a specific condition is met or not met. For this, embed another function or arithmetic expression in thevalue_if_trueand/orvalue_if_falseargume...
Hi all This is my first post and i'm not overly confident with excel, i can do the basic formulas etc.I have a spreadsheet with up to 80 rows, in each...
excel: I want to use the "countif" function in order to count the number of cells that have a specific colour (Doing this in order to count cells due to the containing number or text is clear and easy)
I am trying to get this vba code to identify values between a range and then colour the cell if the condition is met, however I cannot get the if then statement correct. Option Explicit Sub TestRange() Dim Str, lst, y, Value1, Value2 Dim Rng As Range Sheets("Test").Activate Str ...
What is the next formula I should use so that if any cells have this colour it will average them? Thanks Let's say that the range with the numbers and colors is T5:T100, and that the InteriorColor formulas are in U5:U100. The average value of the cells in T5:T100 with the same ...
Prior to Excel 2007 the limit of IF's you could nest in one formula was 7. Excel 2007 has increased this to an outrageous 64. I say outrageous, because in most cases if you’re using more than a few nested IF’s in one formula, there’s most likely a more efficient way to perfor...
We don’t want Green & Brown colour to export.So we will be using a formula:=IF (NOT (OR (A3="Green", A3="Brown")), "Export", "Import")Explanation: Here OR function checks the cell for text “Green” or “Brown” Apples. NOT function returns False for Green or Brown Apples ...