The image above shows an array formula in cell C3 that checks if cell B3 contains at least one of the values in List (E3:E7), it returns "Yes" if any of the values are found in column B and returns nothing if the cell contains none of the values. For example, cell B3 contains X...
Press Enter and copy down the formula to cell E9. In this formula, using D5<>” X” checks if the Flag value is not equal to “X”. If the condition is True, it will double the price. Here’s the result. Method 2 – Return Another Cell Value Using the VLOOKUP Function Consider ...
Count cells are equal to x or y Select a blank cell, for instance, E2, and enter this formula=COUNTIF(A2:B7,"Apple")+COUNTIF(A2:B7,"Mango")and pressEnterkey to get result. In above formula A2:B7 is the range you want to count from, and Apple and Mango are the values you want...
If cells equal then next returns Hello, Could someone help me with a formula to produce the below: - If cell A1 has the word “apple” - and then cell B1 has the word “orange” - return the word “fruit” in cell C1 Thanks Deleted this formula in C1 should work =IF(AND(B1="or...
If cell contains certain text, put a value in another cell Supposing you have a list of orders in column A and you want to find orders with a specific identifier, say "A-". The task can be accomplished with this formula: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("A-", A2)), "Valid", "") ...
Cell B5 dropdown list is as follows and are defined on Sheet 2 (cells A2 to A4): Light Heavy Super Heavy If the value manually entered into cell B4 is less than or equal to 1200, then I would like cell A27 to produce the following values: ...
IF(cell A=cell B, value_if_true, value_if_false) For example, to compare A2 and B2 and return "yes" if they contain the same values, "no" otherwise, the formula is: =IF(A2=B2, "yes", "no") If you only want to return a value if cells are equal, then supply an empty stri...
Step 1: Select an empty cell where you want to carry out the average calculation. Step 2: Enter the Excel AVERAGEIF Function. Make sure to start the function with Equal Sign. Excel AVERAGEIF Step 3: For the range argument, select the range of cells that contain the sales figures. In ...
countif when cell not equal to text or blank.xlsx Related Articles Excel COUNTIF Function with Multiple Criteria & Date Range How to Use COUNTIF with Multiple Criteria in the Same Column in Excel COUNTIF with Multiple Criteria in Different Columns in Excel How to Use COUNTIF Function Acros...
Sumif cells not equal to a specific value with formulas For example, here, I want to sum all cells which adjacent cells are not equal to the text “Apple”, the following formula can help you. Enter this formula: =SUMIF(A2:A20,"<>apple",B2:B20) into a blank cell where you want ...