Netflix 平台特定选在11 月 20 日世界儿童日这天上映,《If Anything Happens I Love You》被誉为 2020 年后座力最强的动画短片,呼声有望冲击奥斯卡金像奖。前半段的压抑以一格格画面堆叠成巨大的悲伤与不适,历经转折至逐渐释然的过程,那道难以修复的伤口只能交由时间,缓缓治愈。《If Anything Happens I Love...
Though it is only twelve minutes long, no movie or show has made me cry harder this year than If Anything Happens, I Love You, a new animated short from writers/directors Will McCormack and Michael Govier, now streaming on Netflix. With no dialogue and gorgeous animation—shout to the ...
第93届奥斯卡提名动画短片《If Anything Happens I Love You》 由Netflix制作,它在联合国儿童基金会所订定的世界儿童节上线,画风流线单纯,却能深刻撼动人心,同时无声地针砭美国社会频传的校园儿童安全问题。...
Oscar-nominated animated short If Anything Happens I Love You follows two parents grieving the loss of their child in a school shooting, and while it was conceived three years ago by writers and directors Will McCormack and Michael Govier, the short — produced independently with Gilbert Films ...
If Anything Happens I Love You (S) is a film directed by Will McCormack, Michael Govier with Animation. Year: 2020. Original title: If Anything Happens I Love You. Synopsis: An elegy about grief following a school shooting.You can watch If Anything Happe
If Anything Happens I Love You: Directed by Michael Govier, Will McCormack. In the aftermath of tragedy, two grieving parents journey through an emotional void as they mourn the loss of a child.
Netflix 平台特定選在11 月 20 日世界兒童日這天上映,《If Anything Happens I Love You》被譽為 2020 年後座力最強的動畫短片,呼聲有望衝擊奧斯卡金像獎。前半段的壓抑以一格格畫面堆疊成巨大的悲傷與不適,歷經轉折至逐漸釋然的過程,那道難以修復的傷口只能交由時間,緩緩治癒。 《If Anything Happens I Love ...
【Netflix动画短片】无论如何我爱你 If Anything Happens I Love You (2020)一部精美的插画式动画短片,它带领我们踏上了一段非同寻常的情感之旅,讲述了一对父母如何努力克服痛失女儿后留下的伤痛,并使他们的家庭永远改变的故事。这部影片是一个令人惊叹的故事,它将人所感受到的痛苦与人类精神的 ...
Credit: netflix Youngran Nho, animator and animation director of If Anything Happens I Love You, wove this style into the film to accentuate the emotions of the characters, she told Mashable in a recent Zoom conversation.“Because the film is really vulnerable and raw-feeling, I also wanted...
If Anything Happens I Love You: Directed by Michael Govier, Will McCormack. In the aftermath of tragedy, two grieving parents journey through an emotional void as they mourn the loss of a child.