If you don’t define 2nd and 3rd arguments but just use a Comma(,), then the function will return 0 for any logical test. The IF function can’t include more than one logic statement. You’ll need to use nested IF where multiple conditions can be added. Or, you can use the IFS ...
比如或门(OR gate),接收两个输入,当都为0时,输出0;其他情况下输出1。 门的行为就像函数(function),函数本身可以通过穷举所有输入情况以及与之对应的输出情况来描述,穷举而成的表格叫做真值表(truth table),通常用字母代表输入,比如a,b,那么或门的输出就表示成a+b。或门真值表如下: 电路逻辑与形式逻辑的联系,...
Define a function f(x) as:f(x)={1,if−1≤x≤10,otherwise 在前半句表示命令或者推测(即并...
To enjoy Excel fully, you must know how to use the IF-THEN function. Download Now: 50+ Excel Hacks [Free Guide] The IF-THEN is one of Excel’s most impressive functions, as you can use it to analyze data, draw inferences and make decisions under certain preset conditions. But what ex...
11. >>> 1<2 and 2>3 12. False 13. >>> 1<2 and 2<3 14. True 15. >>> 1<2 , 2>3 16. (True, False) 17. >>> 18. >>> 19. >>> 2 or 3, 3 or 2, 1 or 0, 0 or 0 #return left operand if true 20. (2, 3, 1, 0) ...
ElseIf r > 10.1 And r <= 10.2 Then grade = 30 ElseIf r > 10.2 Then grade = 10 End If End Function 编辑完成关闭工程对话窗口。3、在H4单元格输入公式:=grade(G4),向下填充复制,就会自动生成60M短跑的得分。三种自动判断等级、得分的方法,大家可以根据不同工作场景和要求作选择使用。让EXCEL...
在此示例中,单元格 D2 中的公式表示:IF(C2 = 1, then return Yes, otherwise return No)如你所见,IF 函数可用于计算文本和数值。 它还可用于计算错误。 不仅可以检查一项内容是否等于另一项内容并返回单个结果,而且还可以根据需要使用数学运算符并执行其他计算。 此外,还可将多个 IF 函数嵌套在一起来执行多个...
value_if_false– the value that the IF function returns if the logical_expression is FALSE. Similar to the value_if_true, this can be a number, text or another function that returns a value. It can also be a nested IF. Note that this is an optional input and if you leave it out ...
Value_if_falseis the value that is returned if logical_test is FALSE. For example, if this argument is the text string "Over budget" and the logical_test argument evaluates to FALSE, then the IF function displays the text "Over budget". If logical_test is FALSE and value_if_false is ...