IF(B8=21,,),無論真假皆輸出0。 話說Excel的IF語法,巢狀層級最多七層,超過會出現訊息「無法輸入指定的公式,因為它超過目前檔案格式所允許的巢狀層級數量。」而我所想判斷的格數有達九層!只好放棄最差結果的兩格……一定有辦法可以解決,只是目前還沒想到:P突然地~我想到可以用其它格子來繼續做運算,若到達第...
IF函数是Excel中最常用的逻辑函数之一,它可根据逻辑判断的真假来返回不同的值,syntax如下: 2.IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) 3.logical_test表示要判断的逻辑表达式,value_if_true表示逻辑表达式为真时返回的值,value_if_false表示逻辑表达式为假时返回的值。 4. IF函数可以嵌套使用,实现更...
This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel IF function with syntax and examples. The Microsoft Excel IF function returns one value if the condition is TRUE, or another value if the condition is FALSE.
The IF function in Excel is widely used for making logical comparisons between a value and an expected result. It offers two possible outcomes based on the comparison: one when the condition is True, and another when it's False. Syntax: =IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) ...
Part 2: Syntax of an IF Statement The syntax of an IF statement in Excel follows a specific format: =IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) logical_test:This is the condition to be evaluated. It can be a comparison, computation, or any other expression that returns TRUE or ...
IF Function Syntax and Arguments FieldDefinition Logical_test A test on a cell value that is either TRUE or FALSE. Value_if_true The value Excel will put in a cell if the test is true. Value_if_false The value Excel will put in a cell if the test fails. Despite not having Microsoft...
How to use the Excel SEARCH function The SEARCH function in Excel gives you the ability to quickly perform complex analyses of large data sets, clean up your data and stay on top of your documents. When used correctly, the Excel SEARCH function is a highly effective tool. In this overview...
The OR function returns TRUE if any one of the conditions is true. It only returns FALSE if all conditions are false. The syntax for the OR function is: =OR(condition1, [condition2], …) Just as in Boolean logic, Excel has a third logical function, NOT, that returns the opposite tru...
The IF function is one of the most popular functions in Excel, and it allows you to make logical comparisons between a value and what you expect. So an IF statement can have two results. The first result is if your comparison is True, the second if your comparison is False. ...
The AND operator The OR operator The NOT operator Displaying formulas from one cell in another About the IF Function The syntax for the IF function is=IF. This lets Excel know that it is an IF function. Then, we begin the formula that Excel will use to produce the results we want. ...