依照不同情況,可以搭配AND、OR、NOT一起使用,它們分別有「且」、「或」、「非」的概念。這些邏輯判斷是寫程式的基礎語言之一,所以對寫程式(coding)有興趣的人,絕對不要錯過這篇文章喔。 Excel 範例檔案下載:Excel-IF-IFS-SWITCH-AND-OR-NOT.xlsx 延伸閱讀:【Excel】雙條件、多條件查詢(Multiple Conditions) CLO...
Hello, I want to know if I have master contact list, and there is a row indicated member’s country of birth, if I will like to change the answer into the following codes in the list, say USA=1, CHINA...Show More excel Formulas and Functions ReplyShare Resources What's new Surface...
Simplifying the formula with the AND function Excel’sANDfunction allows you to test for multiple conditions within a single function. Here’s how the formula looks using the AND function instead of two nested IF functions. =IF(AND(B2>C2,D2=”Yes”),”Paid Bonus!”,”No Bonus”) This ha...
This chapter takes you through 44 IF function Questions and Answers in Excel. EXCEL IF function tests a user-defined condition and returns one result if
The COUNTIF function in Excel can handle up to 127 range/criteria pairs in your formulas. 2.How do I count unique values with multiple criteria using COUNTIF? To count unique numbers in Excel, use the SUM and COUNTIF tools together. This combined formula is written as= SUM(IF(1/COUNTIF...
When analyzing large data sets in Excel, you may often need to evaluate multiple conditions simultaneously. It is where the AND and OR functions come in handy. Both these functions return a Boolean value, i.e., Depending on the logical test applied to the arguments in the function, the out...
Excel 2019 Excel 2016 Excel Web App Excel for Windows Phone 10 In Excel, the IF function allows you to make a logical comparison between a value and what you expect by testing for a condition and returning a result if that condition is True or Fals...
The IF function is an extremely powerful tool that gives you the ability to manipulate and analyze your Excel data based on conditions. This statement stems from the logical use of “IF” to base the value of one cell off of conditions that exist in one or more other cells. ...