The `if` and `switch` statements provide branching logic in C#. You use `if, `else` and `switch` to choose the path your program follows.
The `if` and `switch` statements provide branching logic in C#. You use `if, `else` and `switch` to choose the path your program follows.
/bin/env python # coding=gb2312 # -*- coding: gb2312 -*- from __future__ import division ### if-else...: ", a else: print "max: ", b ### if-elif-else ###...
In the previous unit, you used multipleifstatements to implement the rules of a game. However, at the end of the unit, you noticed that more expressiveifstatements are needed to fix a subtle bug in your code. In this exercise, you'll useif,else, andelse ifstatements to improve the bra...
ifcondition1:# code block1elif condition2:# code block2elif condition3:# code block3else:# code block4 主要区别 1. 独立性与依赖性 连续使用if: 每个if语句都是独立的,不依赖于其他if语句。这意味着多个if块的条件可能同时满足,从而导致多个if块都被执行。
elseif (condition2) { // do something else } else { // do another thing } In the above code snippet, if condition1 is true, the block of code within the first if statement will execute. If condition1 is false and condition2 is true, the block of code within the elseif statement ...
The `if` and `switch` statements provide branching logic in C#. You use `if, `else` and `switch` to choose the path your program follows.
#if的使用和if else的使用非常相似,一般使用格式如下 #if 整型常量表达式1 程序段1 #elif 整型常量表达式2 程序段2 #else 程序段3 #endif 执行起来就是,如果整形常量表达式为真,则执行程序段1,否则继续往后判断依次类推(注意是整形常量表达式),最后#endif是#if的结束标志 ...
if else 结构,并在 Code Review 中被指出了问题。从那以后,我对 if else 的最大容忍层数就是...