an ISA which could be used, if the employee chose, to take up share options which employers could issue at a discount of up to 20%. It was risk-free because if the shares went down in value there was no obligation to take up the options simply benefit from the tax-free savings rate...
If you are a US employee, are income taxes supposed to be taken out of your weekly paycheck no matter how much you made?Taxes:Taxes are specific amounts of money imposed on all taxpayers and deducted in their paychecks to help fund public ex...
2. Some donors may not join or remain in a church who does not apply for (IRS Form 1023) and receive 26 U.S. Code (Internal Revenue Code) § 501(c)(3) tax exempt status from their new master. Some donors may not join in or remain in a church who claims IRC § 508(c)(1)(...
California gives you more scope only because it has a law on the books that generally prohibits employers, on public policy grounds, from making claims to IP generated by employees working on their own time and using their own resources. Even in California, however, an employee owes duties to...
Of course, the new “Dutch” Indians are confronted with the same “high” costs of living (compared with India) as the average Dutch employee, and will certainly feel exploited by earning a salary that is too low to to pay the rent or morgage over here. This happened to all the other...