you touched the knees of another man over 60 years ago [13] You might be a sex offender if… you have ever taken a picture of your child playing in the bathtub, or if you have bathed a baby in your tub [14] You might be a sex offender if… you’ve ever simulated sex on the ...
who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built. But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who ...
These factors include individual characteristics, such as self-regulation; family factors, such as positive relationships with caregivers, family support, and high parental engagement in education; and community factors, like a sense of belonging and support in schools, peer support, and safe ...
Not even close. But if we embrace Schachter’s position, we protect parental rights and risk a massive increase in unreported child abuse and neglect. For my money, I’d rather have a few parents deal with the emotional pain of government hassles than to have children deal with the pain o...
Republicans have always had a good chance of winning at least one house of Congress in the upcoming midterms. As things stand, it looks a lot more likely that they'll take control of the House, but they could also win the Senate. So what would they do if they did win control of eit...
pg. 20 Vice President's Corner Kari Aguinaldo CVSG Vice President Timing Is Everything In 1963, San Francisco Giants Pitcher Gaylord Perry said, "They'll put a man on the Moon before I ever hit a home run." On July 20, 1969, a few hours after Neil Armstrong became the first person ...
No ones rights have been infringed. And Im not criticizing Milo for his lifestyle…yet. Im criticizing the lack of clarity on his part when it was badly needed…and how he failed to make it clear…apparently with a sense of British black humor at that…something the young man should ...
At that point Jesus said, “Sure, Ant Man gets in, along with everyone else who makes himself or herself or their-self small and is interested in serving others instead of trying too hard to be bigly.” Then he giggled for almost a whole minute. Sometimes I’m not sure I get Jesus...