For example, if you post a photo of your vacation, someone might want to save it as a reminder of the good times you had. Keeping Track of Posts If someone likes your content, they might take a screenshot of your Instagram post or story to keep track of it. They might want to ...
The project, which caused a furore because Instagram was considered inappropriate for dealing with such a grave subject, was motivated by the desire to transmit the diary to contemporary audiences and retain its relevance for them. We have found that the diary served as a ...
Not out to your family? Here’s how to survive Xmas A complete beginner’s guide to scissoring ‘How I realised I was demisexual, like Tulisa’ What happened when my dad came out as transgender Here’s what the term ‘queer’ really means ...
Instagram blackmail is a serious crime. While many victims are afraid to go to authorities, reporting to the police creates an official record and can help stop the perpetrator from hurting others. You can file a report with your local police department or contact the FBI’s Internet Crime Com...
Simply open the app and either press the + button at the bottom of your screen or swipe right on the home page, and this should bring up your Instagram camera. Now you can flip the screen for the front or back camera, depending on the story you’d like to shoot, add a filter, ...
How to Delete a Live Story on IG Once you upload astory on Instagram, it lasts for 24 hours. So, if you don’t want to keep an uploaded story visible on your account, here’s how you can delete the Instagram story. Step 1:Open the Instagram app and tap onYour Storyon your feed...
Imagine being designated at birth as being a boy but raised as a girl on the advice of doctors… And discovering at the age of 25, after the results of a chromosome test, to discover that you are in fact genetically male. My guest this week on the blog is Louise Chapman, ghostwriter ...
I would have to say Claudia Winkleman is the perfect Loel girl. She absolutely knows what she likes and has a style of her own. She’s incredibly funny, self deprecating and never takes herself too seriously – something we try to do ourselves with the brand. Jewellery should be fun and...
This is a story about a little girl named Kayla who wants to see her older brother Khari come home so they can celebrate Kwanzaa together as a family. Khari is stuck at college when a snowstorm hits and his ...
What does it mean if you give a number at random and the girl you think likes you ask if you want that many children? Like you say 19 and she asks if you want 19 kids. Dan Bacon Hi Frank Unless there is more of a back story to this situation, it doesn’t mean anything. She...