iExplorer also works great if your iPhone is Jailbroken. With AFC2 access, the app can read and write to the iOS device's real root (For advanced users only!). *iCloud access is for Mac only. Learn more about accessing photos & files ...
**Accessing the device's root directory requires the device to be Jailbroken. Other directories, such as app and media folders can be instantly accessed without modifying your device. How to mount iPhone & iPad to disk mode Browse iTunes Backups ...
如遇“xxx.app已损坏,打不开。你应该将它移到废纸篓”,并非应用损坏,请点击查看《解决方法》 历史版本 版本号更新日期文件大小免费下载 4.5.0 fix2021.11.2926.27 MB百度云盘城通网盘 4.5.02021.09.1626.27 MB百度云盘城通网盘 4.4.02020.09.2025.2 MB百度云盘城通网盘 ...
<description>iExplorer appcast</description><language>en</language><item> Version 4.6.0 <sparkle:minimumSystemVersion>10.0</sparkle:minimumSystemVersion> <sparkle:releaseNotesLink></sparkle:releaseNotesLink> <pubDate>2022-10-14 17...
win2000如果打了SP的补丁后,只要开始,运行,输入:regsvr32 c:\winnt\apppatch\slayerui.dll。右键,属性,也会出现兼容性的选项。 例三:RealOne Gold关闭时出现错误,以前一直使用正常,最近却在每次关闭时出现“0xffffffff”指令引用的“0xffffffff”内存。该内存不能为“read” 的提示。 解决方法:当使用的输入法为...
win2000如果打了SP的补丁后,只要开始,运行,输入:regsvr32 c:\winnt\apppatch\slayerui.dll。右键,属性,也会出现兼容性的选项。 例三:RealOne Gold关闭时出现错误,以前一直使用正常,最近却在每次关闭时出现“0xffffffff”指令引用的“0xffffffff”内存。该内存不能为“read” 的提示。 解决方法:当使用的输入法为...
iExploreris an iPhone browser for Mac lets you view the files on your iOS device. By using a drag and drop interface, you can quickly copy files and folders between your Mac and your iPhone or iTouch. It works with both jailbroken and non-jailbroken iPhones and works quickly with a sta...
iExplorer is an iPhone browser for Mac lets you view the files on your iOS device. By using a drag and drop interface, you can quickly copy files and folders between your Mac and your iPhone or iTouch. It works with both jailbroken and non-jailbroken iPhones and works quickly with a ...
1、知道这是什么进程调用,重新安装就好 2、从有这个文件的机器上拷贝这个文件放到你的本机c:\users\ADMINI~1\Appdate\local\temp目录下 即可 3、如果什么都不知道,就在系统“运行”中输入msconifg命令,启动系统配置,在启动中把你怀疑的对象取消勾,即可。4、是在不行用360或者优化大师,关闭你的...