还有大量最新野生GWAS结果未被收录到IEU GWAS database。同时,如果研究人员已先行进行了对某个新表型的GWAS分析,也存在后续进行MR分析的需求。 对于尚未被IEU GWAS database收录的GWAS表型,无论是作为exposure还是outcome,普通TwoSampleMR中的三行代码分析流程已不再适用,需要我们自行清理本地GWAS结果以匹配TwoSampleMR...
Python interface to the MRC IEU OpenGWAS API. Contribute to MRCIEU/ieugwaspy development by creating an account on GitHub.
Here we present the OpenGWAS database, an open source, open access, scalable and high-performance cloud-based data infrastructure that imports and publishes complete GWAS summary datasets and metadata for the scientific community. Our import pipeline harmonises these datasets against dbSNP and the ...
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The OpenGWAS database comprises over 50,000 curated, QC'd and harmonised complete GWAS summary datasets and can be queried using an API. See here for documentation on the API itself. This R package is a wrapper to make generic calls to the API, plus convenience functions for specific querie...