会议名称IETInternationalConferenceonPowerElectronics.ppt,IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics * * 会议名称:IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives(PEMD) (IET电力电子、电机及驱动国际会议) 主办方:IET (
第三篇论著文章,“High-frequency-link DC solid state transformer based on voltage self-balancing control for MVDC power distribution application”,于2021年7月19号投稿,2021年10月14号接收,用时约3个月。总体的来看,IET Power Electronics作为一本电子电气领域有影响力的优秀期刊,所示例子中从收到稿件到...
IET Power Electronics的读者来自204个国家和地区,截至数据获取时间*,2021年已有超过39.6万次下载,其中下载量前五的国家和地区为中国、印度、美国、德国和伊朗。 期刊影响因子 我们通过查询Web of Science,IET Power Electronics近四年的影响因子保持着相对稳定的趋势,2020年最新影响因子为2.641。 认知度 我们通过Web of...
根据2022年的数据,IET Power Electronics的下载量和阅读量在2021年获得了显著的提升(*2020年统计数据不完整),期刊读者遍布全球213个国家和地区,国际影响力相当不错;2021年的下载量将近44万次,2022年有望继续突破。 根据2022年Journal Citation Reports™,2021年IET Power Electronics的TOP 20施引期刊如下图所示。其...
期刊简介:IET Power Electronics aims to attract original research papers, short communications, review articles and power electronics related educational studies. The scope covers applications and technologies in the field of power electronics with special focus on cost-effective, efficient, power dense, ...
第三篇论著文章,“High-frequency-link DC solid state transformer based on voltage self-balancing control for MVDC power distribution application”,于2021年7月19号投稿,2021年10月14号接收,用时约3个月。 总的来看,IET Power Electronics作为一本电子电气领域有影响力的优秀期刊,所示例子中从收到稿件到接收...
IET Power Electronics aims to attract original research papers, short communications, review articles and power electronics related educational studies. The scope covers applications and technologies in the field of power electronics with special focus on cost-effective, efficient, power dense, environmental...
Journal Title:Iet Power Electronics IET Power Electronics aims to attract original research papers, short communications, review articles and power electronics related educational studies. The scope covers applications and technologies in the field of power electronics with special focus on cost-effective,...
energy systems, control, material science, semiconductor physics, assembly, passive components, interconnects, thermal and sustainable technologies. The focus is on cost effective and efficient solutions, power dense and light systems, environmental and manufacturing friendly components, smart and robust tech...
刊名:Power Electronics, IET 2013年第4期 摘要:This study deals with observability problems and control of the parallel multicell chopper. In the area of strong currents with high switching frequencies, new structures based on the combination of components have been developed. Among them, the author...