IÉSEG is an international management school first established in Lille in 1964. Between its campus within Lille’s Université Catholique and its campus at Paris-La Défense, it now caters for over 6,000 students. With its Vision 2025 strategy, the school aims to secure its position as “a...
IESEG School of Management, Paris, FranceBenjamin Digne
Lille Economics and Management (LEM, CNRS) and IÉSEG School of Management invite applications fora Ph.D. position in Management Accounting and Controlat its Paris campus starting in September 2021.01 About IÉSEG School of Management IÉSEG is AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA accredited and is a member ...
Find the course offerings, cost, and contact information for the MBA programmes at IESEG School Of Management
GE (business management and financial economics) three years, the second year for the intern or gap. LILLE campus one and a half year + PARIS campus one and half year.(两年的学习期间内必须在里尔和巴黎都学习过一段时间 个人感觉非常好 因为前一年半在里尔好好学习 最后半年可以去巴黎找实习)MSC ...
Lille Economics and Management (LEM, CNRS) and IÉSEG School of Management invite applications fora Ph.D. position in Management Accoun ting and Contr olat its Paris campus starting in September 2021. About IÉSEG School of Management
IÉSEG, School of Management - Master 1 FinanceMarie SagnolParis, La Défense