The IMBA provides a registered title with the French RNCP (National Repertory of Professional Certification) Level 1, recognized in France and in Europe. In its first participation in the 2020 Global MBA Ranking, IESEG was ranked 38th globally, consolidated as the third school with the highest pe...
IESEG 管理学院(IÉSEG School of Management,又称法国IÉSEG(依赛阁)高等商学院),创办于1964年,拥有巴黎Paris和里尔Lille两个校区。不仅是法国著名贵族教学系统中Post-Bac商学院综合排名第1名的院校,而且是以卓越的课程、国际化和科研成果而闻名的欧洲顶级贵族商校,更是同时拥有AACSB、EQUIS、AMBA三大认证的...