2.2MBA项目特点 学费:两年学费为89,950欧元(约合人民币72万元) 在以一年制MBA居多的欧洲,IESE为期19个月的两年制项目,为学生提供了充分体验欧洲生活的机会,也帮助有计划做职位或行业转换的学生作以更加充分的准备。学生可以在第二年到海外交换,或参与一些海外选修课。IESE与27所顶尖商学院合作提供交换项目,如Wharton...
IESE Business School4 The class of 2022 initiated the MBA program in the middle of the global Covid-19 pandemic and graduated into a world and job market very different to the one they knew before this. However, our graduates have explored an increasingly broad range of career paths and 95...
MBA Class of 2026 Full-time Opportunities Applications for full-time positions will open again at the end of August. Please note this is only eligible to MBA students graduating in2026. Click below and find all open office with full-time opportunities. ...
3.申请材料的话,比较繁杂,更像是申请研究生的材料。感觉IE 真的是很想认真全面的了解学生们吧。2封...
如想了解更多商校信息,欢迎添加文末小助手,一起聊聊MBA申请的那些事儿,也欢迎校友们留言分享学校信息。欧洲商校介绍系列LBS 伦敦商学院INSEAD 欧洲工商管理学院HEC 法国高等商学院Oxford Saïd 牛津大学赛德商学院Cambridge Judge 剑桥大学商...
As a top business school in the world, IESE will use Blue to review its MBA and Executive MBA students to discover strengths, areas for improvement, and blind spots. Implementing a process of self, peer, and professor evaluation will enable the school’s students to continuously develop ...
Meeting and working with people from various countries gives a broad perspective to your thoughts. Also, the IESE MBA gives you the chance to learn Spanish and enhance your overall profile. What is really amazing is the room of opportunities that MBA opens for your personal development. I got...
Class Profile IESE商学院的MBA项目班级规模为350人,其中女性占比30%,国际生占比85%。录取者的平均年龄为29岁,平均工作年限为5年,GMAT平均分为681。 行业背景方面,有61%的录取者为工业背景,有20%来自金融行业,13%来自咨询行业。 地域背景方面,有30%的录取者来自欧洲,有25%来自亚洲,各有20%来自拉丁美洲和北美...