IESE有一个conference叫做doing do,doing well,这是欧洲最大的一个由学生自己主办的一个宣讲,一共持续2天。学生会请上百家公司,这些公司除了在business上非常出色以外,都leave a very positive social impact on the society是会促进社会变革的一些公司,大家会请这些公司来过来做一些演讲。 3)第二年简介:两个特色 ...
The article presents information on the IESE Business School situated at Barcelona, Spain. It is stated that IESE offers high-quality learning to students and senior executives from around the world. It is stated that programmes are designed and delivered by academics who are recognized for their ...
IESE商学院提供多项学位教育项目,如MBA、EMBA、Global EMBA以及Executive Education项目。MBA项目分为15个月和19个月两种选择,EMBA项目时长18个月,Global EMBA项目时长16个月。IESE MBA项目学费为89,950欧元(约为人民币72万元),提供丰富的海外学习机会,如交换项目和海外选修课程,帮助学生深入理解全...
IESE Business School, is a globally renowned institution for executive education and business programmes, with campuses in Barcelona, Madrid, Munich, New York and São Paulo.
...说,是否适合,这个因素要重要得多,”位于巴塞罗纳的西班牙企业学院(IESE Business School)副院长埃里克•韦伯(Eric Webe…|基于12个网页 2. 大学商学院 西班牙纳维拉大学商学院(IESE Business School)的Pankaj Ghemawat是少数几个仍然在这个问题上进行研究的学者之一。 … ...
1学校简介1.1商学院历史文化IESE Business School,即IESE商学院,是西班牙纳瓦拉大学 (University of Navarra) 下属的管理研究生院,于1958年创立于西班牙巴塞罗那。1963年,IESE与哈佛商学院结为盟校,成立Harvard-IESE联合委员会,每年双方都会就一...
被誉为“欧洲哈佛”的IESE是一所低调、优雅、高度多元化、国际化的商学院,历经半个多世纪的沉淀与积累,在全球拥有5个校区,校友网络遍及上百个国家,跻身世界顶级商学院之列。 1.学校简介 1.1商学院历史文化 IESE Business School,即IESE商学院,是西班牙纳瓦拉大学(University of Navarra) 下属的管理研究生院,于1958...
Understanding the IESE Business School The school was founded in 1958 in Barcelona.1The name, IESE, stands forInstituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa, which means Institute of Higher Business Studies in Spanish. While the school's main campus is located in Barcelona, it also has campuses...
IESE Business School is a trailblazer in leadership development whose globally renowned Full-Time MBA is aimed at people with inquisitive minds and global outlooks who aspire to leave a positive mark on the world. Ranked #3 in the world by Financial Times 2023, the program is delivered in Ba...
Embarking on Excellence: IESE Business School In 1958, under the patronage of Harvard Business School, IESE Business School was born within the Navarre University in Spain, with a mission to empower business leaders with management expertise. The MBA program was introduced in 1964, ...