As a flagship product line of ZyXEL IPDSLAM, the IES-5000/5005 Series is equipped with non-blocking gigabit backplane, failover-enabled Management Switch Cards (MSC), dual power modules and high-port density DSL line cards. With embedded IP-centric QoS, security and multicasting firmware feature...
5G模组 MH5000-32 5G 模组 MH5000-32 采用紫光展锐春藤 510 芯片,核心器件包括主芯片, PMU,射频等国产自主可控;支持 NSA/SA 双模,帮助行业客户灵活接入不 同 5G 模式网络,支持中国 5G SA 网络建设;4G/5G 全兼容,直接同步 5G 网 络覆盖节奏,保护客户设备投资.5G NR 上下行速率(单 CC,100M,8:2 ...