第二,检查是否打开vraylight开关(on)或是你的灯光强度不够。还有在vray渲染菜单里的lighting中,是不是把lights取消了的了! 星海邀请你来回答 赞 (25) 回复 (1) VRay灯光可以在CR场景用吗? 共1条回答 > Cindy🎀: vray灯光不能在cr场景中使用目前cr渲染器还不能支持vray灯光。 月亮大王🌙邀请你来...
011 照明分析工具(011 Lighting Analysis tool) 012 V射线插件材料和纹理(012 V-Ray plugin material and texture) 013 拖放V射线资源(013 Drag-and-drop V-Ray assets) 014 定点拍摄相机工具(014 Point-and-shoot camera tools) 015 更新1 - 视口IPR(015 Update 1 - Viewport IPR) ...
Class 8: lighting - HDR and other lighting details Class 9: clarisse light fog - texture light fog Class 10: clarisse light fog - indoor window fog Class 11: clarisse light fog - environment fog Material and rendering Class 12: clarisse material editor detailed ...
While it is possible to draw the daylighting feature directly within VE Components, you can draw unique shapes quickly within Google Sketchup and import into VE ModelIT using our VE Sketchup Plugin. Then, export the unique geometry as a GEM file. As each component within the room has its ...
Thermal comfort indices for ASHRAE 55, indoor air quality, mean age of air, visual comfort, daylight performance using Dynamic Daylighting and sky view are just some examples of appropriate modelling outputs for WELL credits. Learn More Supported Regulations UK & Ireland Part L/Part F/Section...
A single plane mesh raised off the ground The plane will be our light-source, so select the it and assign it an emitting material in your Indigo plugin. Since we are working with artificial lighting, go to your environment settings and disable the sun and set a black background. ...
Corona lighting material 核心知识点 Corona的太阳光、天空光、基于图片的灯光,和Corona灯光材质。 学习如何恰当有效地使用室内灯光,以及Corana体积光效应 软件: Cinema 4d R20、 Corona 3.0 Corona相机效果Corona camera effect 核心知识点 了解Corona相机和相机效果,景深和运动模糊这样的效果 ,不同的相机类型,包括...
sketchupvray渲染的参数调整? 共1条回答 > 惰矫愚头: VRayForSketchUp的所有参数设置都可以在文件菜单下保存起来,供下次加载使用。请采纳答案,支持我一下。 流逝的夏天邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (1) VRay灯光渲染不亮是什么原因? 共1条回答 > 四年: 那是因为你还不会VR 流逝的夏天邀请你来回答 赞 回...
VRAY for sketchup 渲染出的图上方有VRAY的logo怎么办? 共1条回答 > La rêveuse: 很明显是水印,不知道你下载的时候看清楚没有,有些标注了破解无水印的(像是一些汉化的多数都是没有水印的,因为破解过了),像是测试版本就没有水印,如果是正式版本,没有破解的话是有水印的,你可以在你下载的地方问问网友要破解...