For example, if the goal is to improve reading fluency, an objective might be: Objective: John will read a grade-level passage at a rate of 100 words per minute with 90% accuracy in 3 out of 4 trials by the end of the first semester. ...
Goal: Transfer decoding skills to authentic reading tasks. Objective: The student will apply decoding strategies learned in isolation to real-world reading situations. Here are more IEP goals that may help you with this student’s IEP. Reading and Writing IEP Goals 28 Spelling IEP Goals for Al...
Present work in chunks (break a longer assignment into manageable chunks) Provide a way to block extraneous information on classwork (a blank sheet of paper to cover sections that the student is not working on, or a window to show one math problem at a time) Provide additional practice for...
Goals that aren’t specific.A goal for John to increase his ELA grade to 80% is not specific.Gradesare always subjective. And, you have no way of knowing how basic skills, fluency or comprehension are improving in a grade without specific measurements of each area of reading over and over...