Here is the PDF again if you want to print it. IEP Meeting Readiness ChecklistDownload There are so many parents out there right now looking forIEP meetingtips. And so many parent mentors and advocates who are willing to help. Join them in ourMessage Boards (free!). ...
The Maine IEP amendment process is different from the core process. There is no Amend button (see theDocumentstool documentation for additional information). To amend an IEP, users must unlock the document by clicking theLock/Unlock button. ...
The U.S. Department of Labor offered its opinion letter in the context of a parent 1) who had provided certification from her children’s doctor supporting her need to take intermittent leave to care for her children, and 2) whose employer...
Jess: Hi, my son is starting the 5th grade and was diagnosed with dyslexia over the summer. I went to the school and gave the title 1 teacher all the info. She said she didn’t think he would get a IEP and that he would get an RTI. He has been on an RTI for at least 3 yea...