(3) For a child whose eligibility terminates under circumstances described in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, a public agency must provide the child with a summary of the child’s academic achievement and functional performance, which shall include recommendations on how to assist the child in...
üCommunication or recommendations from professionals outside of school ü(i.e. Audiologist, ENT, private therapist)üIf your child is working, letters or reviews from their supervisor ·Organize this information in a 3 ring binder and plan to take it with you to the IEP meeting.·Make copies...
call the school to express concern and give his or her recommendations directly to, for example, the principal. (You need to sign a consent form for the provider to be able to speak with school personnel. I suggest you provide consent for the provider to receive and and all information fro...
JA: Suppose a school places an IEP student into a grade-level course (8th grade Language Arts for example), but the parents decide to push their child into the Advanced course (8th grade Honors English) against the recommendation of the teachers and school. Is the school...
so that I may come to the meeting prepared to talk about the recommendations in the draft. Better yet, let's set up a time to work on the draft together." From ‘The Pop-Up IEP’ ? Hands & Voices 2005 , Used With Permission. RESPONSE "Because I didn't have time to look at this...
Jess: Hi, my son is starting the 5th grade and was diagnosed with dyslexia over the summer. I went to the school and gave the title 1 teacher all the info. She said she didn’t think he would get a IEP and that he would get an RTI. He has been on an RTI for at least 3 yea...
Parent is rejecting the finding of the eligibility under a Neurological disability (sensory skills deficit and ADHD) but wants OT accommodations put in place (OT recommendations that were presented at the eligibility meeting). Parent is not accepting the fact that her child has ADHD and sensory ...