You say the school has not evaluated your child since 4th grade. If the IEP team does not have current data, they don’t know where he is functioning, what his needs are, and what services he needs. Your first step is to get a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation by an evaluator...
The IEP Team’s next question should be “what is the school going to do about this”- specific OT services. You may need to request, in writing, an IEP meeting to review and revise your son’s present levels, goals and services. Your son’s OT should attend the meeting as part of ...
Jill: My son has an IEP, is in general education NY Regent Level courses and is failing his Chemistry and Algebra 2/Trig courses. He receives resource room 1 period 5 days a week, but this is not helping. Can we request that the school provide 1-1 tutor? TbyCommunity. Bookmark thep...