答:按照GO-IEP,在服务services项下,分为三类:特殊教育(special education), 支持性服务(supportive services), 相关服务(related services). 所列科目包括:Activity (e.g. Art, Music, PE), Adaptive PE, Alternate Science / Social Studies Unites, American Sign Languag...
Learn about individual education programs (IEP) for ADHD. Discover the IEP goals for ADHD, and learn examples of behavior plans for students with...
Parents should know this, because if you don’t know how to write an IEP goal yourself, then how do you know if your child’s IEP goals are decent? IEP goals should be build upon the baselines in present levels. Writing IEP goals, while based on data, is part art, part science. ...
All students in public schools who receive special education services for learning disabilities must have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place. An IEP for reading is designed to bring the child to appropriate grade-level standards in language arts. IEP goals define the steps to reach t...
IEP Goals for Making Inferences If your child lacks the skill to infer or seems to be having trouble developing this skill, it should be noted as an area of need and put in the IEP. Again, the skill to infer is often a skill that we take for granted, but it is a valuable and nec...
Special education laws require that students with disabilities receive preparation for the transition to adult life. Explore types of vocational goals that can help high school students plan for the future; examples are provided. IDEA 2004 Students with disabilities need explicit instruction in a vari...
As the document is being created, parents and teachers will discuss the child's strengths, health and current performance. Goals will be established, as will any need for assistive technology or accommodations, including supports for teachers and assessments to track everything. ...
and not now believing those propositions that are false. It is then epistemically rational for a person to believe a proposition whenever on careful reflection that person has reason to believe that believing that proposition will promote his or her epistemic goals, provided that all else is ...
Write down your goals for your child before the IEP. Identify where your child stands, what goals you would like to see your child meet academically and socially, and what you want out of the IEP meeting. Identify short-term and long-term goals. Do not assume the meeting is adversarial....
that call for changes in educational structures (Nthitu, Kathard & Sayed, 2009). Some of these agreements are the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC), the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Individual Education Plan (IEP) (UNICEF, 2006). In an effort to ...