Incremental rehearsal is one promising strategy for improving multiplication skills. In this study, three 5th-grade students with disabilities who had Individual Education Plan math goals received one-to-one multiplication instruction using an incremental rehearsal strategy twice per week for 7weeks. Data...
concern at this time (Checking this box is not an option when the student is in the 8th Grade or 14 years or older because transition must be addressed for these students)Check all areas of need as identified by the Admissions and Release Committee (More than one area may be checked.) ...
He has an IEP, but the school has not evaluated him since 4th grade. He failed algebra and English, even though he had an instructional aide. I’ve questioned the school about the appropriateness and effectiveness of an IEP that allows a child to fail. I asked for an aide for summer ...
The IEP Team’s next question should be “what is the school going to do about this”- specific OT services. You may need to request, in writing, an IEP meeting to review and revise your son’s present levels, goals and services. Your son’s OT should attend the meeting as part of ...
1. mapping your own Master Plan for each course he’ll take from now until graduation. Make sure the Plan you create considers the work or learning path he may gravitate to after 12th gr. 2. see if any Deep Training courses he might otherwise take after 12th gr can be substituted as ...