Alternative settings for instructions, such as a quieter room Occupational therapy Physical therapy Psychological services Speech-language therapy One-to-one aides Assistive technology The goal of an IEP is to ensure your child has the same access to an education as any other child, no matter what...
Let me share an example. Our goal for Amanda is to teach her to function as an autistic person in a non-autistic world. We do not expect the District, or anyone else, to cure her autism. Each decision made for her - educational and otherwise - is shaped with this plan in mind. Thi...
The projected expectation could be documented and turned into a measurable goal. In the event that the expected progress is not made by date, name will have a para within XXdays. Reply ↓ Debbie on 03/11/2010 at 12:48 PM said: Pamela, additionally, if you request another meeting in...
With an IEP, your team could write a goal for organization, and the IEP will be in place should any other issues come up. Some people/doctors think ADHD/ADD kids are on the autism “spectrum.” Some don’t. Our psychologist did the test: Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive ...