Sample Answer 1: It is undeniable that human's deeds are harming the environment. This essay will discuss how the damage is caused, as well as the actions the Government and individuals can take to protect our world. There are some ways ...
Model Answer 5: Over the past few decades, the world has been revolutionised with computerisation. In spite of, this trend being a boon to the sectors like Information Technology, Globalization and Networking. It has now become a serious deterr...
IELTS 11, TEST 3, WRITING TASK 2 SAMPLE ANSWER Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these ...
Model Answer: One of the highly controversial issues today relates to whether the amount of time people spend online is destroying their social life or that it is expanding their communication scope to horizons they have never reached before. I partially agree with the latter view due to several...
Discuss both views and give your opinion. Sample Answer : Band 8 Students at universities prefer learning other kinds of subjects which are different from their main subject. And here, some people opine that students have to give all their minds to studying...
approximately40minutesonthistask.12 HOWDOYOUDIVIDETHETIME?ANSWERAFTERSLIDE SampleQuestion1 Writeaboutthefollowingtopic:Schoolchildrenarebecomingfartoodependenton computers.Thisishavinganalarmingeffectonreadingandwritingskills.Teachersneedtoavoidusingcomputersintheclassroomatallcostsandgobacktoteachingbasic...
Here is a Band 9 model answer for IELTS writing task 2. Topic: It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, others are not.
IELTS Writing Task 2 : Study People say that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn literature such as novels and poems. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Sample Answer : Some people believe that it is a waste of time for students to study literature in high ...
Task 2 Sample Answer The following is a sample answer for IELTS writing task 2. You can learn about IELTS essay structureshereand about the topic of educationhere. Question Government funding should only be provided for the best students as scholarships. Other funding of universities should come ...
Now, compare your response to this IELTS writing task 2 with the following sample answer: Sample Answer: In this digital world, a number of people are found using the internet rather than reading books. It is due to the vast development in technology which is even taking ...