Essential vocabulary to describe an IELTS writing task 1 line graph. To get a good band score you must show the examiner a range of different words to show upward and downward trends as well as key features. IELTS line graphs show change over a period of time and you must vary your lang...
WRITING TASK 1图片Sample answerThe line graph compares the amount of electricity produced in France using four different sources of power over a period of 32 years.It is clear that nuclear power was by far the most important means of electricity generation over the period shown. Renewables ...
This model line graph for IELTS is estimated at band score 9. The model answer below is for IELTS writing task 1 academic paper. Use this sample writing as a template for structure, key features and language for any IELTS line graph. There are also some tips given below to guide you and...
A line graph question in IELTS Writing task 1 will typically ask you to compare the performance of several different things over time, in this case renewable energy sources. Maximise your score by making good use of reference links such as ‘the former/latter’ and ‘respectively’. Even thoug...
eg, [ the graph below shows electricity production (in terawatt-hours) in France between 1980 and 2012 ] vs [ The line graph compares the amount of electricity produced in France using four different sources of power over a period of 32 years ] Overview( the second paragraph, because it's...
Learn how to give a band 9 answer for line graph in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1. See ideal answer structure, tips and advice.
How to solve Flow Chart Type of Questions in IELTS Listening? Janice Thompson Top 11 IELTS Vocabulary Books Justin How Many Times Can You Take IELTS Exam? Haniya A The More You Read, The Better You Write Janet Our Offices Bengaluru
IELTS Writing Task 1 整理自Simon写作课程 types of task 1 pie chat line graph bar chart table flow chart map Structure No opinion No conclusion Introduction Overview Details Details Line graph Note Vocabulary:paraphrasing, comparing, describing changes...
This lesson provides you with useful language for IELTS writing task 1, focusing specifically on phrases for introducing graphs and phrases/lexis for describing change. Organisation Organizing a Line Graph (Part 1) Find out about how there is more than one was to organize a task 1 graph, and...
comparing & contrasting data and presenting the logical flow of the graph ensure a high band score in your Academic IELTS writing task 1. This vocabulary section aims to help you learn all the vocabularies, phrases and words you need ...