【字幕】雅思写作小作文 1. Introduction 【IELTS Writing Task 1 (General)】共计3条视频,包括:1. What the IELTS Examiner is Looking For--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---、2. Differences Between Formal, Informal and Semi-Informal Letters - Video 1--- [、3. How t
You should start your task 1 answer by introducing the graph from your question. Just write 1-2 sentences to say what your graph shows and for what period of time (if there is one).To do this, you need to paraphrase text from your task 1 question. Example of good introduction: ...
(iii) present and highlight theKEY FEATURESwith figures/data MS Level 3 Unit 1 WRITING I. Write an introduction The reason for an introduction is to tell the examiner what you are going to write about. It is basically the question paraphrased. Thetableillustratesemployment numbers in Australia...
To get the highest score, you should follow thisanswer structure: Introduction General overview Specific features Now we'll consider each part of the answer. You can also watch a video tutorial on how to answer IELTS Academic Writing task 1: As an example, let's take a look at the given ...
Introduction Paragraphs for Writing Task 1 Below are two introductions written by the IELTS candidate. Would you use one of these introductions or would you write a different introduction? Introduction 1: The diagram shows the amount of students from six different countries in Asia, who came to ...
IELTS Writing Task 1: Table & Pie Charts IELTS writing task 1 (academic) test. This task is slightly different to the one featured in my video (Introduction Paragraph in Writing Task 1). Note that is it about value and not cost.
Tips: the key things in writing task 1 don't describeeachcountryseparately=>compare don't describeeachyearseparately=>compare Comparecountries and yearstogether Don't separatethe countriesoryearsinto separate paragraphs. => 立体对比,而非 单独的 横向对比,纵向对比 ...
IELTSWritingTask1--bysimon IELTS Writing Task 1: describe a process Here is some more advice for describing a process diagram. The question I'm using comes from Cambridge IELTS 6. It's also on this website(go down the page to test 3). Advice: 1.Introduction: paraphrase the question ...
IELTSWritingTask1--bysimon Ielts-simon IELTS Writing Task 1: describe a process Here is some more advice for describing a process diagram. The question I'm using comes from Cambridge IELTS 6. It's also on this website(go down the page to test 3).Advice:1.Introduction: paraphrase the ...