Bar charts can show numbers changing overa period of time some type of bar chart is the same as a line graph eg: Number of computers sold by two different shops However, Bar charts don't always show times... , they often only compare numbers compare the bars First, make a very genera...
IELTS writing task 1Remember:No conclusion. Instead write a summary (the overview).雅思写作任务1记住:没有结论。相反,写一个摘要(概述)。Question types1. Line graph2. Bar chart3. Pie chartnumbers describe comparechanges / trends4. Table5. Diagram - comparing6. Diagram - process问题类型1.线图...
IELTS Writing Practice :Task 1 Task 1: Number of Jobs The line chart shows trends in terms of employment in the USA in millions and predictions for the future. The line chartdetailsthe number of individuals working in manufacturing, services, and agricultureover a 50-year periodin the United ...
IELTSWRITINGTASK1 Table linegraph线形图barchart柱状图 piechart饼形 PROCESSDIAGRAM/FLOWCHART MAP TASK1STRUCTURE •Introduction•Mainbody•Conclusion Introduction •Howtowritetheintroductionfortask1?–Byparaphrasingthequestion •Whatwordsinthequestionshallweparaphrase?–wordsinthetopic:•Show–illustrate,...
The line graph shows how much Finnish people went to the cinema between June and October 2014. Show hint The pie charts compare the world population of 1900 with 2000. The pie charts compare the world population in 1900 and 2000. Show hint The bar chart gives information about averag...
IELTS Bar Chart Essential Tips: Free Video Tutorial Pie Chart Model Band Score 9 Line Graph Model Answer ALL MODEL ANSWERS & TIPS FOR WRITING TASK 1 FREE SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to get new lessons & tips by email. Email Address Subscribe
An IELTS line graph and bar chart model answer with examiner comments. Describing two charts together for IELTS writing task 1 academic paper is easy when you know how. Dual charts like the one below are very common in IELTS Writing Task 1 and appear each year. ...
IELTS Writing Actual Test 07/2023 30.07.2023 Task 1: The bar chart below gives information about four countries spending habits of shopping on consumer goods in 2012. Task 2: Many different countries have most shops and products as the same. Some consider it a positive development, whereas...
In IELTS writing task 1, you will be asked to describe some sort of visual data. It could be a line graph, a bar chart,a table,a map, a pie chart, ora process diagram. (Here’sa full list.) In this article, we’re going to ignore some of these and look athow to describe a...
This line and bar chart would get a good score as it meets the requirements of the task. Note that the introduction mentions both the line and bar chart: The line graph illustrates the number of visitors in millions from the UK who went abroad and those that came to the UK between 1979...