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回复@老板我要吃麻辣烫 :其实仔细看看范文就能发现group1和group2其实论述方法上差不多,只不过结构上会有一些变化,比如公众号里的范文-社会类cause&solution的结构大概就是5段:提出立场-详述reasons-转折/巩固基调-详述对应reasons的solutions -结尾。强烈建议把公众号里的范文研究一遍! 2022-11-15 06:0416回复 ...
IELTS Mock Test 2022 September Writing Practice Test 1 Question list Writing task 1 You should spend about20 minuteson this task. The table below shows the percentage of adults in urban and rural areas who took part in four free time activities in 1990 and 2010. Summarize the information and...
Simon IELTS writing task 1 : Line graphs pan003 1 人赞同了该文章 【中英文字幕】Simon雅思写作-小作文lesson 02|折线图_哔哩哔哩_bilibilinumbers changing over a period of timeyou will not see a graph with only one line => you will almost definitely see 2,3,4 ...
9. IELTS Academic Test In INDIA, December 2022 Writing Task 1 # Diagrams # The diagrams below show the present building of a college and the plan for changes to the college site in the future. Writing Task 2 # Essay # Some employers are giving more value on hiring people with good soci...
the count of spectators remained stable at 1.3 million on 1pm news from January to December. 到达最高或最低点 最高点:grew to a peak of - reach at peak of - reach the peak at - the highest of the four criteria - the highest value -the highest figure - had the highest percentage of...
IELTS Writing Task 1 Introduction Paragraph – learn what mistakes to avoid. The introduction should be short and factual based on the information given. It should also be the quickest part of task 1 for you to write. Look at the graph and introduction paragraph below. Then answer the questio...
Band 9 tips for Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 Detail Paragraphs 2022! 最新雅思写作任务一,9分写作技巧!必看! http://t.cn/A6XpGNT9
Writing Task1 - IELTS - Simon_哔哩哔哩_bilibili what? types changes tosomething astime changes amap (before =>after)that shows changes to a design e.g. an old designcomparedto a new design twoalternativedesigns =>differences/ similarities ...
3 responses to “IELTS Writing Task 1: How to Describe a Bar Chart” KuyDorng Mao December 31, 2021 Thank you so much for your units and sharing. Reply Magoosh Test Prep Expert March 1, 2022 We’re so glad we can help! 🙂 Reply Swapna September 9, 2023 The bar chat illustr...