(This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible answers.You should be able to pick up the main points from this essay and organise in your own style)...
(This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible answers.) Model Answer 2: Health is considered the most precious gift that we all have so it is essential to think ca...
Below is model answer for an IELTS bar chart and pie chart together for Writing Task 1. The sample answer is estimated at about band score 8. The sample answer contains some grammar errors – can you find them? Answers below. This is a typical multiple chart task that continues to appear...
Today, I’m going to give you my band 9 sample answers to four writing questions from Cambridge IELTS 19, which is (as of September 2024) the latest of the Cambridge IELTS book series. These are all task 2 questions. Please do not view these as templates to copy. When it comes to ...
Rocco Nigro
Begin writing about the details of the process. This one is tricky to get up to the word count (no longer required on IELTS) so try to make it a little wordy. 1. Security, passport control, and customs will be unchanged, however, the future floor plan shows shops immediately upon exiti...
Read the latest IELTS writing task 2 questions with a summary of the sample answers below. Each sample answer aims to have: an introduction two body paragraphs a conclusion 1.In many workplaces, online communication is becoming more commonplace than face-to-face meetings. To what extent do you...
Next time, we'll look at some sample answers to Task 2. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. This post was written by Daragh, one of our trainers at The London School of English. Related articles All about IELTS Speaking The IELTS Listening Section Effective strategie...
IELTS Bar Chart Essential Tips: Free Video Tutorial Pie Chart Model Band Score 9 Line Graph Model Answer ALL MODEL ANSWERS & TIPS FOR WRITING TASK 1 FREE SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to get new lessons & tips by email. Email Address Subscribe
Let’s see some IELTS tabular chart task 1 forIELTS Writing Task 1with sample answers below! Sample 1 You should spend 20 minutes on this task. The table below gives information about past and projected population figures in various countries for different years. Summarize the information by sel...