为大学讲师写一篇150字的报告,识别主要趋势并在相关地方进行比较。 IELTS Writing Task 1: Line Graph with Sample Answer IELTS Writing Task 1: Question You might see a line graph like this one in Task 1. The ability to describe changes over time is a key skill in line graph tasks. The diagra...
How to answer this task? Introduce the line graph. Write what it illustrates. Give an overview. Briefly summarize what happens on the graph. Apart from obvious trends, see some less noticeable features. Where did the graph rise/decline sharply and where slowly? What is the difference between ...
IELTSWRITINGTASK1 Table linegraph线形图barchart柱状图 piechart饼形 PROCESSDIAGRAM/FLOWCHART MAP TASK1STRUCTURE •Introduction•Mainbody•Conclusion Introduction •Howtowritetheintroductionfortask1?–Byparaphrasingthequestion •Whatwordsinthequestionshallweparaphrase?–wordsinthetopic:•Show–illustrate,...
IELTS Academic writing task 1 - Line GraphA line graph (also known as line chart) is a graphical presentation of data that changes over time. It uses line segments to connect data points and shows changes in data. The X and Y axis are used to denote the changes in the data. Within ...
IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph about Internet users as percentage of population in three countries zxc55321301 / - Aug 21, 2020#1 Please help me to correct my essay and give me some feeback about the strucure of my words. I'll be grateful for your support....
When asked to explain a line graph, do you get excited or nervous? If latter, take part in ourIELTS preparation online classesand master the art of writing for line graphs. Also check: Tips to Improve IELTS Writing Skills IELTS Writing recent actual test ...
The line graph demonstrates the trends of percentage value of households that regularly used cars in the UK from the year 1971 to 2007. Overall, the car ownership in Britain has gradually increased since 1971. Specifically, the number of households with two cars increased, while the number of ...
1. 描述你所看到的客观的东西 ,你是在写一份报告(report),所以 不要写观点类型的语句 (just descriptions, no opinions) 2. 不要写结论性的文字 !!(no conclusion.no a final judgement),但是可以写总结性的文字(summary,overview) 一,图表性作文的几种类型 1. line graph(折线图) 2. bar chart(条形图...
IELTS Line Graph 1: The graph below shows how prices of “high-tech gadgets” changed over time in Somecountry. Write a report for a university tutor describing the information shown. Click here for the Model answer: IELTS Line Graph 2: ...
LINK TO MODEL LINE GRAPH 1. IELTS Line Graph Verbs & Nouns Below are lists ofverbs and nounsthat can be used to describe a line graph in IELTS writing task 1. You should alter your sentences to use the noun form of the word and the verb form of the word. ...