Say goodbye to dull memorization – with our innovative approach, building your word power has never been more fun! From synonyms to idioms, our interactive exercises make learning vocabulary a delightful experience. Premium Features: Unlock exclusive premium features to supercharge your learning experie...
Say goodbye to dull memorization – with our innovative approach, building your word power has never been more fun! From synonyms to idioms, our interactive exercises make learning vocabulary a delightful experience. Premium Features: Unlock exclusive premium features to supercharge your learning experie...
Next, British Council also has a useful app calledWord Power.It’s on Android andApple. This app gives you a bit of information about IELTS but mostly it is useful because of its vocabulary quizzes. As every student knows, you need agood vocabularyto achieveIELTS success. British Council ...
Note that you can download some materials form the English resources page without registering or logging in, but the very best resources– the actual practice questions– do require you to be signed in to the site. This is where all the free goodies are: IELTS question sets, full IELTS prac...
There is no set word limit for what could be considered a good IELTS speaking test part 3 answer, but it should not be too short. If it's too short, you will have failed to develop your answer properly. As a rule, to get a high IELTS speaking score, your answer should be around ...
“before” and “these days”. It also had an example “like”. “Like” is the main example linking word for speaking and can be repeated again and again. This answer also uses a contrasting linking word “but”. “But” is the main contrasting linking word in speaking and can be ...
You will be given instructions about how many words can be used to fill the gaps. Pay close attention and don’t go over the word limit. There is a link to a reading exercise for Type 2 at the bottom of the page. Below you will find a practice reading summary completion lesson Type...
(power of 3).Ms Rebecca, will you be willing to check my writing for me for the next 7days as my IELTS resit date fast approaches. I commend you all for doing a great job here.cheers johnnie I omitted please after the second sentence! pardon me. johnnie Dear Rebecca, I would ...
barriers such as anxiety. This suggests that SCT remains a relevant and robust framework for understanding learning processes, even as the tools and contexts evolve. By integrating technology into language learning, we can harness the power of SCT to enhance educational outcomes in new and ...
You can always use the word effort without any such worry. Rebecca Can you tell me how can I speak english well? I know what I must say but I am always shy so my performances are not perfect. And I don’t know how to make listeners believe in what I am talking. Thanks in ...