Before starting to practice answering variousIELTS Speaking topicsyou should learn some topic vocabulary to know how to structure your answer. On this page you can find usefulIELTS speaking vocabularywith sentence examples forTravel & Holidaystopic. This vocabulary is very useful to answer questions ab...
One of the common IELTS topics that appears in the exam is that of travel and tourism. In today’s lesson, I will help you learn about this topic so that you can do well in your next test. First we will look at a littlevocabulary about travel and tourism, then we will explore some...
"I need to apply for a visa before I can travel to China." "Her visa expired, so she had to leave the country and reapply for a new one." View anInternational Travel and Prejudiced Essaywhich uses travel and tourism vocabulary for IELTS Comments Any comments or questions about this page...
On this page you can find full IELTS Speaking sample with questions related to Holidays topic.See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Travel & Holidays topic > This IELTS Speaking sample has 3 parts with questions related to Holidays topic. Remember that on the real test you will get a mix of ...
Topic 2. Travel and Holidays – This vocabulary is very useful to answer questions about travel and holidays and achieve a high score on IELTS Speaking test. Topic 3. Education – For IELTS Speaking exam you might have to talk about a class, a teacher or a school memory or give your opi...
Today we will share with you a wide range of travel and tourism vocabulary words for IELTS to help you boost your IELTS score on any IELTS Speaking or writing question that has to do with travel & adventure. Useful Collocation and Expressions for IELTS Speaking ...
For this topic, see the essay questions on this page:Space Note, even though this topic might not appear in the GT test, it could appear in IELTS Speaking Part 3 so everyone should prepare ideas and vocabulary for it. Technology In many areas of work, robots are being given more roles....
Below is a list of themost common IELTS essay topics fortask 2 questions. Click the topic to get a sample essay, vocabulary list, and a Ted Talk video (to help learn the vocabulary in context). You can also find an in-depth tutorial aboutIELTS vocabulary and lexical resource here. ...
Each link below covers a familiar topic on thespeaking testalong with extensive vocabulary lists, definitions, and a sample answer. Friends and Family Food and Nutrition Travel and Tourism Modern Technology Coronavirus Vocabulary (new) Pollution and the Environment ...
This IELTS Topic Related Vocabulary will help you to learn useful words and phrases that may come up in the IELTS test or that can be used in essays or speaking. Each IELTS vocabulary list consists of: The Word The Definition An Example Sentence ...