【2022.5.11】雅思考官讲雅思 IELTS Speaking Part 1 QUESTIONS and ANSWERS! 口语第一部分问题和答案 06:20 【2022.5.3】21. IELTS Speaking Tips - AMAZING Answer Strategy! 雅思考试口语超级攻略 07:32 【2022.4.28】98.IELTS Writing - What the examiner is looking for! 雅思写作,考官最想看到啥? 02...
Here's a question for you: in part one of the IELTS speaking exam, how long do you have for each answer? 想问你一个问题:在雅思口语考试的第一部分,你的每个答案需要多长时间? In IELTS speaking part one, the examiner is aiming to ask you twelve questions. 在雅思口语第一部分,考官目标是问...
Now, come closer. Now, listen. Imagine that you've prepared for your IELTS speaking test for months, right? You've been preparing, you've had lessons, you've watched videos, you've done a mock test, you've got a speaking partner and you're ready to go.现在,靠近点。听着,想象一...
Hi, guys. Today, I'm gonna share with you my five best tips for IELTS speaking part one, and I will do this with five model answers. So, you can see how to use these tips, so you can improve your answers and get a higher score in the IELTS speaking test. Let's do it!嗨,伙...
IELTS SPEAKING TEST SAMPLE BAND 9 SERIES 5 (Part 1,2,3) 雅思口语9分视频完整3个part 范例参考 引训yayayaya 48 0 【雅思口语】纯正英式短语句型1000条,磕完这本书口语8分不是问题!会让你更像一个Native Speaker高清电子版+配套音频 果果奶酪棒 1416 11 How to take efficient and neat notes - 10...
What is the most important thing to focus on in order to get a band 8.5 in IELTS speaking? 要想在雅思口语考试中拿到 8.5 分,最重要的是什么? Let's find out. 让我们一探究竟。 Hello, this is Keith from the Keith Speaking Academy. 大家好,我是 Keith Speaking Academy 的基思。 I'm very...
Tips for IELTS speakingEelke– Holland – 25 years old – Assistant buyer I’mEelke, I’m 25, I’m from Holland, and I’ve got band 7 in IELTS. I’m an assistant buyer. My tip for the speaking test is:try to talk about what you know rather than general ideas.Good luck with ...
Top IELTS Speaking tips from my blog to help you prepare for the IELTS Speaking test and improve your speaking fluency and confidence.
这是无稽之谈。It's not correct.这是不正确的。So I just want to clarify that for you right now. Okay?所以我现在给你们澄清一下。Some people say, or students tell me, I mustn't make hand gestures when speaking.有些人说,学生告诉我,我说话时不能做手势。Nonsense....