Introduction: paraphrase the question [the charts belowshow] [householdspending patterns][in two countries][between1980and2008]. [thepiechartscompare][five categories ofhouseholdexpenditure] [in the UK and New Zealand][in the years1980and2008]. overview: 2 sentences, 2 main points make avery gen...
In the IELTS Academic Task 1, you must be able to identify, understand and describe various types of graphic information. This is considered an important academic skill, because it shows you can intelligently and clearly interpret and describe data presented in charts, tables, graphs and diagrams....
IELTS Writing Academic Task 1 - Bar Charts - IELTS Writing Tips & Strategies for 1.1万 14 00:54 App 【雅思题库】1.18-3.29雅思预测已出🔔原题重现率89%! 20 0 01:28:59 App IELTS Writing_ Tips to Improve your Score 28 0 15:29 App IELTS Writing Academic Task 1 Tips - Tables -...
2024-09-07: Task 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The bar charts show the percentage of male and female students of different age groups who studied full-time and part-time in a particular country in 2006.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features...
How to answer this task? Introduce the pie charts. Write what do they summarize. Write a general overview. Write in brief the main trends. Describe the first chart. Tell about the activities on the boys' chart and their popularity. Uselinking structuresandvocabulary to describe graphs. ...
IELTS Multiple Writing Task 1: Bar Chart with Two Pie Charts Click to enlarge image: Two Charts Model Answer B: The bar chart and pie charts illustrate the percentage of people in Glasgow having three levels of education (university, school and those with no qualifications) in 2010. Informatio...
This collection of IELTS charts represents the main types of charts that you can be given in writing task 1, including tasks with two or three charts combined. Please remember that writing task 1 is not an essay, it is a report.
1.thebiggestnumber/thesmallestnumber2.what’sgoneup/what’sgonedown3.whathasn’tchanged/what’snew Step3:organizeyourreport •highlightthemainpoints–theycomefirst•groupsimilarideastogether•findalogicalstructuretopresentthepoints Step4:getthevocabularyright •Thesetwopiechartsshowthechangesinpopularity...
William0809202 1 / - Jan 30, 2024 #1 The charts below show the average percentages in typical meals of three types of nutrients, all of which may be unhealthy if eaten too much.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevantThe given...