7. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites? On those websites, I only have friends whom I already know or whom I know through someone. I do not make new friends on such websites. 8. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?
The IELTS cue card Water Sports is a common topic in Speaking Part 2. It appears most years and is in use at the moment. It’s not an easy topic if you haven’t prepared for it. Below you can see some useful ideas for this topic, vocabulary and a model answer. IELTS Cue Card Wa...
Answer: Honestly speaking, the Internet has revolutionalised the way we live. Many of us can't believe how the people in the pre-internet era managed to do all their works at home or at the office! The Intenet allows us to work more proficiently at home, work more productively at the...
The first topic you get will be:WORK / STUDY or HOME or HOMETOWN. You must prepare your past, current and future plans and experiences for those topics. You can find questions for those topics here:Common Topics For Part 1 Speaking Page. Tip 2: It is NOT enough to only prepare from t...
IELTS Speaking Question: Internet Internet How often do you use the internet? I use the internet every day. Why do people use the internet? People use the internet for communication, education, games, movies, news, and information. Why do you use the internet?
IELTS Speaking Topic: Leisure time What do you do in your leisure time? I watch movies in my leisure time. How should people spend their leisure time? Leisure time is another word for free time, so I think that everyone in this world has a right to decide what they want to do in ...
IELTS Speaking Topic: Jan-AprIELTS Speaking Topic: 2023-2025 Topics of Part 1: Jan-Apr AdvertisementsArtAsking for helpBikeBirthdayBoringBorrowingCarClassmatesCoinsCollectionColorComputerDaily routineDreamsE-booksEmailsEvening timeExciting activitiesFilmsFriendsGood viewHatsHobbyHomeHometownInternetLivingLostMaking...
Speaking is one of the most challenging IELTS skills. To rise to the IELTS Speaking challenge, you need some good IELTS Speaking practice. Let's think about the part 3 of this speaking topic: "Water-based leisure activities" "What do people enjoy doing when they visit rivers, lakes or the...
we're going to be looking at a model answer for IELTS speaking part two on the topic of clot...
IELTS Speaking Part 3 topics:Volume 1|Volume 2|Volume 3|Volume 4|Volume 5| More Resource: Useful Expressions to use in IELTS Speaking part 3 IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic:Family. 1. Is family important in your country? 2. How has the size of the family changed in the last few decades ...