Many students think that they should speak in a very formal way. You don’t want to speak informally, but you don’t want to sound like a robot. IELTS Speaking Questions What is the Examiner Looking for? Your examiner doesNOTwant to see: How many answers you have memorised. How many ...
Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys? What can robots do for you at home? Do you like travelling? How often do you go travelling? Where do you usually travel? How do you feel when you are travelling? PART 2Topic ...
Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys? What can robots do for you at home? Do you like travelling? How often do you go travelling? Where do you usually travel? How do you feel when you are travelling? PART 2Topic ...
Hello, everybody. My name is Keith, and just in case you don't know me, I run a website called ieltsspeakingsuccess, giving you resources, ideas and model answers to help you improve your English, give better answers, and get a higher score on the IELTS speaking test.大家好。我是基...
Many students think that they should speak in a very formal way. You don’t want to speak informally, but you don’t want to sound like a robot. IELTS Speaking Questions What is the Examiner Looking for? Your examiner doesNOTwant to see: ...
Sample answer 1:Yeah, technology means a lot because it brings much convenience to my life. And the robot vacuum cleaner is one of the domestic appliances that saves me the trouble of doing the cleaning after work. Plus, wearing three dimensional glasses when watching the film make me feel ...
IELTS Speaking 第一章:人 1、话题:自己(弃) 2、话题:家庭(弃) 3、话题:朋友(无) 4、话题:同学(无) 5、话题:孩子(无) 6、话题:同事 7、话题:名人 8、话题:邻居 9、话题:老人 10、话题:老师 11、话题:领导人 第二章:物 12、话题:书籍 13、话题:衣服 14-1、话题:计算机 14-2、话题:电子产品(...
I’ve seen many robot guides in this 2010 Shanghai Expo. They are helping people to find ways, or some other info about the museums. They can help us by working under dangerous, or poisonous environment. In future, there will be more robots that will do good to our life. Robots cannot...
IELTS Speaking: What Will really Happen in your Speaking Test The Simplest, Most Important Tip for Part 1 IELTS Speaking Preparation IELTS Speaking Part II: How to Improve your Grammar Score How to be Relaxed and Confident in the IELTS Speaking Test Why is the Examiner like a Robot in IELTS...
‘silicon consciousness’. Robots, in fact, might one day embody an architecture for thinking and processing information that is different from ours – but also indistinguishable. If that happens, the question of whether they really ‘understand’ becomes largely irrelevant. A robot that has perfect...