IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers Part 1 Topic:'Food and cooking'. Part 2 Topic:'Describe a house/apartment that someone you know lives in'. Part 3 Topic:'Different types of home' & 'Finding a place to live'. Part One - Introduction & Interview...
IELTS Speaking Test has three partspart 1,part 2andpart 3. In part 1 of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask4-6general questions on familiar topics. It is expected that the examiner will introduce him/herself first and ask your name and then ask you to confirm your identity. The qu...
In past lessons, we’ve learned how totalk about food for IELTS. Food is one of those rather predictableIELTS topicsthat often pops up in part one of thespeaking exam. Usually, you will see it in part one, but it can also appear in parts two or three as well. I’ve also seenfood...
On this page you can find very usefulIELTS speaking vocabularyforFoodtopic. By learning this vocabulary and using it to answer various questions about Food on IELTS Speaking test, you will achieve a high score. SeeIELTS Speaking sample about Food > dine in:dine at home.We're dining in tonig...
Giving one-word answers in the IELTS Speaking test tells the examiner you don't know enough English-here's how to fix this mistake! #英语 #每日英语 #每天学习一点点 #雅思 #留学 2 我们生活在一个随意的时代。所谓随意的时代,是指我们将一切都视为理所当然,好像我们无需付出太多努力就值得拥有这个...
andweatheras IELTS speaking topics. These could certainly occur in the IELTS writing test but it is unlikely that they would be the main topic of an essay. It is true that you might have data about weather in task 1 or an essay about the merits of films and technology fortask 2, but...
So let's a take a look at the patterns together. Generally speaking, questions in IELTS speaking part 3 will be structured like this.我们来一起去看看这些规律。一般来说,雅思口语第 3 部分的问题的结构会是这样。For example, give your opinion on a topic or express your preference about ...
LINDA: Hello, LINDA speaking. MATT: Oh hi, LINDA. This is Matt Brooks. Alex White gave me your number. He said you’d be able to give me some advice about moving to Banford. LINDA: Yes, Alex did mention you. How can I help?
Tip 5:Be natural, be open, be chatty in your speaking test. It is an informal chat with the examiner covering a range of topics. Tip 6: You can’t ask for the topic to be changed. Even if you don’t like the topic or don’t have much knowledge, you can still answer questions ...
“Talk about your favorite food”is a very common topic in the IELTS Speaking test. Here is sample question/answer about this. Talk about your favorite food 1. Do you like tasting new food? Absolutely. I’ve always been fascinated by trying new culinary dishes. I have to admit I have ...