PART 3Topic Discussion How do you get a long with your neighbors? How do neighbors help each other? Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in the city? How do children learn to cooperate with each other?
PART 2Topic Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of You should say: What the task was How you completed it Why the task was difficult Why you were proud of the completion of the task PART 3Topic Discussion ...
35 -- 7:46 App English Listening and Speaking Practice 25 -- 23:04 App 【雅思听力练习】IELTS LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 2023 WITH ANSWERS | 20.04.2023 13 -- 14:17 App IELTS Speaking Test questions 17 - Self-practice 28 -- 31:21 App 【IELTS English Academy】IELTS Writing (TASK 2 - ...
In this post, we discuss IELTS speaking topic“Talk About Your Childhood”with sample questions/answers.
Practice Test Speaking Part 1 Speaking Part 2 Speaking Part 2-Audio Speaking Part 3 Tips Vocabulary Get IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions, and model answers which will help you prepare and practice IELTS Speaking Part 3 test Describe a person you are happy to know ...
Speaking Part 1 practice test: Prompt | Recording | Transcript Speaking Part 2 practice test: Prompt | Recording | Transcript IELTS Speaking tips Here are some of the IELTS Speaking tips for your reference, you can follow these tips to ensure you are all set to take your Speaking test with...
Ielts speaking practice part 3-2 252019-03 9 Ielts speaking practice part 3-1 162019-03 查看更多 猜你喜欢 955 IELTS by:C花花公主C 1603 IELTS Grammar by:阳彻 2007 IELTS Vocabulary by:阳彻 1174 IELTS 19 by:典妈书房11 2346 Official IELTS by:雅思听力 6069 ielts go by:omar雅思托福 1126 IE...
IELTS Speaking Practice (雅思口语训练)© 51Talk. All Rights Reserved Page 1 GOALS IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 1. What do you do?- Do you study? Elaborate.- Do you work? Say something about your work. 2. Do you wish to study or pursue your career abroad?If yes,INTRODUCTION Acknowledge...
So let's a take a look at the patterns together. Generally speaking, questions in IELTS speaking part 3 will be structured like this.我们来一起去看看这些规律。一般来说,雅思口语第 3 部分的问题的结构会是这样。For example, give your opinion on a topic or express your preference about ...
talk about: personal: greeting cards: baby/university NEWS P1 - 30:16 1. recent news: first idea 2 or 3 main points collocation : who(+细节)/who told/感受/想法... chat away 闲谈 2.(part 3) do you believe everything you read?