IELTSSpeakingTestPART2SampleQuestionandAnswer,byJaneLawsonat DailyS Question:Describeafamoussceneinyourhometown Youshouldsay: Whereitis Whatyoucansee Whyyoulikeitordislikeit Howitmakesyoufeel Answer:OneofthemostfamousscenesinLondon,myhometown,isthe viewofStPaul’sCathedral,seenfromtheSouthBa...
How can you describe your hometown for an IELTS Speaking Test? Hello, I’m Jane at DailyStep English.This free IELTS Speaking Test Lesson will help you get a higher score in English exams, and improve your conversation skills. If you are new to DailyStep English – welcome 🙂 Pleasesign...
This sample answer took around 2 minutes, which is the maximum time you need to speak without stopping in Part 2 of the IELTS speaking exam. Now, try it yourself!
Talk about your hometown– a very familiar topic and appears often in the IELTS Speaking test. Speaking Part 1: Talk about your hometown 1. Let’s talk about your hometown. Where is your hometown? My dwelling is in Hanoi. It is one of the most outstanding tourist attractions of Vietnam....
IELTS Speaking Sample part 1-Introduction 1.Hello. Could you show me your identification card please? Hello. Sure, here you are. 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My full name is XXX. I am also called by my English name, which is XXX. 3. What shall I call you? You ...
首页 / 模考题库 / 雅思真题试卷 五月 / Speaking Practice Test 2IELTS Mock Test 2023 May Speaking Practice Test 2 Question list PART 1 Introduction and Interview Where is your hometown? Is that a big city or a small place? Do you like your hometown? What do you like (most) about your...
2023-01-16 20:12:0202:1640 所属专辑:IELTS Speaking - Leo 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑
how long it took to complete it and explain how you feel about it. Part 3 Questions: What transportation do you use the most? Is public transportation popular in China? What can be done to improve public transport services in your hometown?
IELTS Mock Test 2023 November Speaking Practice Test 2 Question list PART 1 Introduction and Interview Where is your hometown? What is your hometown like? What is the oldest place in your hometown? Do you think your hometown is a good place to bring up children? How do children celebrate ...
Speaking of how I feel about the place... definitely, I would like to live there as well as it is a flat that is so close to the central area. To reach my working place, I only need to drive for about 20 mins for commuting and if I choose to take subways, it will probably tak...