Simon-IELTS口语模板_原创精品文档.pdf,Try practicingin the followingway: First,note some ideas. Then record yourself speaking for twominutes. Next, listen to the recordingand writedown what you said.Finally,tryto improve the written description. Here are
SimonIELTS口语搜索 Try practicing in the following way: First, note some ideas. Then record yourself speaking for two minutes. Next, listen to the recording and write down what you said. Finally, try to improve the written description. Here are five simple rules for Speaking Part 1: 1. Kee...
Simon IELTS Speaking simon雅思口语合集_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 3 parts of the test 11-14 min overall part 1: 4-5 min part 2: 3-4 min part 3: 4-5 min timing is very strict scoring system 4 scores,25% each fluency & coherence: make sense Vocabulary Grammar: complex grammar is [not] what ...
22.22.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 1(Av409049732,P22) 07:04 23.23.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 2(Av409049732,P23) 10:26 24.24.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 3(Av409049732,P24) 18:17 25.25.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 4(Av409049732,P25) 15:04 26.26.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 5(Av409...
Serena梦玥创作的外语有声书作品IELTS speaking,目前已更新5个声音,收听最新音频章节Part 2 Test &Simon。
23.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 2 10:26 24.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 3 18:17 25.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 4 15:04 26.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 5 15:03 27.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 6 16:02 28.【Simon口语】Speaking, lesson 7 08:23 29.【Simon听力】listening 1 11:10...
Vocabulary For Speaking part 2 Contemplating:Thinking Ex:Simon was contemplating his future Seldom:Not often Ex:She seldom met her grandma Scratch:A slight cut Ex:The cat just scratched the kid Critiquing:Appraise critically Ex:“Could you please critique this performance?” ...
《IELTS-Simon 听说读写全辑》由本猫一天吃九顿创作,目前已更新43个节目,包含Simon listening 01、Simon listening 02、speaking lesson 01、speaking lesson 02、speaking lesson 03等内容。用声音分享人类智慧,用声音服务美好生活,更多好内容尽在喜马拉雅。
Daily IELTS lessons with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner. IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening. IELTS topics, vocabulary and grammar.
Daily IELTS lessons with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner. IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening. IELTS topics, vocabulary and grammar.