回顾:pan003:Simon IELTS writing task 2: introductions opinion: the most difficult type: having various choices of how to answer eg. some people believe that unpaid [community service] should be a compulsory part of high school programs. To what extent do [you] agree or disagree? compulsory:...
Simon考官范文-IELTSWritingTask2:equality(平等)topic 题目: In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement...
Simon IELTS writing task 2: full essay —— Problem and solution essay pan003 Writing Task2 - IELTS - Simon_哔哩哔哩_bilibili回顾:pan003:Simon IELTS writing task 2: introductions problem and solution eg. Many criminals re-offend after they have been punished. why do some people continue to ...
Another factor in this growing independence is technology, which allows us to work alone and from any part of the world. In conclusion, while there are some reasons to believe that people now depend on each other more, my own view is that we are more independent than ever. Note: As ...
IELTS Writing Task 2-Simon 下载积分: 150 内容提示: IELTS Writing Task 2: traditions and technology Last week I showed you three recent questions and asked which one we should work on next. The first question received the most votes: It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as...
simon synthesis examples for ielts writing task 1 and task 2 simon synthesis examples for ielts writing task 1 and task 2 本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。未经许可,不得转载。来自csliu2222 0 大家还在看 电子书 雅思写作任务 IELTS Writing Task 1 Task 2 csliu2...
equalityandpersonalachievement.Somepeoplebelievethatindividualscanachieve moreinegalitariansocieties.Othersbelievethathighlevelsofpersonalachievement arepossibleonlyifindividualsarefreetosucceedorfailaccordingtotheir individualmerits. Whatisyourviewoftherelationshipbetweenequalityandpersonalsuccess? 范文: Inmyopinion,anegalitari...
所属专辑:2023IELTS|Simon雅思英语网课合集全 音频列表 1 14.【Simon写作】Task2_Lesson_14 127 2023-07 2 15.【Simon写作】Task2_Lesson_15 119 2023-07 3 16.【Simon写作】Task2_Lesson_16 106 2023-07 4 17.【Simon写作】Task2_Lesson_17
simon synthesis examples for ielts writing task 1 and task 2 simon synthesis examples for ielts writing task 1 and task 2 simon synthesis examples for ielts writing task 1 and task 2
722 Simon Says-Cuzino by:嘻哈有态度 89 Dionigi & Simon Faz-Dionigi & Simon Faz by:小众style 1159 SIMON 雅思写作 by:本猫一天吃九顿 351 Chuuuch Muzik-J. Simon by:嘻哈有态度 482 Simon中式英语说中国 by:庭愷Tingkai 327 Admission To Neverland-Simon Pann by:嘻哈有态度 610 Admission To Nev...