This isIELTS Academic Reading practice test #1. On this page you can findReading passage 1- complete it, click "check" and proceed to the next section. After you complete all 3 sections, you will get your IELTS-scaled score and see your mistakes. READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about ...
In this guide, you can start your IELTS reading practice by taking afree IELTS reading test. However, there are two versions of the test:IELTS general readingandIELTS academic reading. You'll learn which version is right for you and how to tackle each reading question type using our IELTS r...
Get access to 101 IELTS Academic Reading Past Test Papers with Answers. You can also download the PDF of IELTS previou year question papers.
IELTS ACADEMIC READING PRACTICE TEST 热度: Official IELTS Practice Material Updated March 2009 热度: IELTS Official Practice Materials 2 热度: CandⅡateNumber 艹 ≡ ∶耋 、 〓〓 ∷咿 一 ∷~昌≡≡ ∷∶耋 ∷o■■■ ∷艹■■〓 CandidateNarne ...
IELTS Academic Reading Test 4. Section 2 READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 13-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below. Trash Talk Sorting through a mountain of pottery to track the Roman oil trade (A) In the middle of Rome’s trendiest ...
This free IELTS reading test (Academic Module) has the same question types, content style, length and difficulty as a standard IELTS test. To get started simply scroll down to read the text and answer the questions. Note: the best way to take our practice tests is on a Desktop computer ...
ielts_academic_reading_practice_test_24_1c233ddc3d IELTS Reading Passage - Spoken Corpus Comes To Life Spoken Corpus Comes To Life Historically, the act of compiling dictionaries is undertaken by the studious professorial types, who are usually bespectacled and love to read the large books and ...
雅思阅读练习 ielts_academic_reading_practice_test_2 IELTS reading passage - Bring back the big cats Bring back the big cats John Vesty says that the time for returning vanished native animals to Britain has arrived. Around598AD,there is a poem that describes the hunting of a mystery animal ...
IELTS Academic Reading Test 5. Section 2 READING PASSAGE 2You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 13-28, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below. We know the city where HIV first emerged It is easy to see why AIDS seemed so mysterious and frightening when US medics first ...
IELTS Academic Reading test papers with answers pdf Practice IELTS Reading based on question types Reading Multiple Choice Questions True/False/Not Given Yes/No/Not Given Reading Sentence Completion Reading Summary Completion Reading Table Completion ...