Reading HELP YOU TO PASS THE REAL EXAM Did you know that as many as 3 in 4 potential test takers fail their official IELTS test the first time? Practise our mock tests online for free as many times as you need - until you're ready to take the real thing!
The beetles immediately disappear beneath the pats digging and tunnelling and, if they successfully adapt to their new environment, soon become a permanent, self sustaining part of the local ecology. In time they multiply and within three or four years the benefits to the pasture are obvious. Du...
Reading HELP YOU TO PASS THE REAL EXAM Did you know that as many as 3 in 4 potential test takers fail their official IELTS test the first time? Practise our mock tests online for free as many times as you need - until you're ready to take the real thing!
5. Expand your vocabulary.You will find the academic module of IELTS Reading much easier if you expand your academic vocabulary. Theacademic word listis a great place to start.
You will be given a reading list. Don’t just throw it away or forget about it; make sure you leave enough time to go through all items on it. Once you’ve done that, an ideal thing to do would be to test yourself on the contents . Prepare a mini quiz while reading, and go ...
Use your time wisely for each part of the test. Practice essays fromIELTS writing practice papersin the time you’re given to get faster. Keep track of how long you spend on each task and adjust if needed. 10. Get feedback to keep getting better ...
skills in a restricted period of time (15 days). My advice is that you should follow this “15 Days’ Practice for IELTS Writing” Schedule:Day 1: The IELTS Writing Test (Length of Time, Test Format, Marking Criteria, Skills for the Writing Module) Day 2: Mini-Writing Practice Day......
Below you will find some useful tips and techniques for tackling Summary Completion questions in IELTS Reading. You’ll also find a great practice lesson to test out your skills. IELTS Reading Summary Completion Tips This type of question is similar to sentence completion questions that are very ...
You’ll find words in the question from an official IELTS reading test in the left column. On the right, you’ll find words that were used in the text. As you can see, many synonyms are used in the IELTS exam and are needed to answer the question. Therefore, you MUST have a wide...